
PinPoint-E EDGE/GPRS - User Guide, version 2.32 40
Global Positioning System (GPS)
FIGURE 2. Wireless Ace: *PPIP and *PPPORT
Local Host
To set the PinPoint-E to report to a local host, one directly connected to the PinPoint-E’s Ethernet
port, configure the port to be used with S53 - Destination Port. The local IP address will automat
ically be used for local reports. S53, in Wireless Ace, is part of the Misc menu option.
FIGURE 3. Wireless Ace: S53
If you need to send reports to additional local ports, you can specify other ports with *PPLAT-
SEXTRA. Local Reports can be sent to up to 7 additional ports consecutively following the S53
port. If S53=1000 and *PPLATSEXTRA=4, reports will be sent to 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, and
1004. In PPLATSEXTRA, specify the number of ports where you want the reports sent, 0 to 7 (0
disables extra ports).
Report Types
There are several report types available. For remote reports, set *PPGPSR. For local reports, set
*PPLATSR. These settings are not next to each other, but are on the same page.
TCP GPS Report Polling
Specifies the port to listen on for TCP GPS report polling.
FIGURE 5. Wireless Ace: *PPTCPPOLL
Note: Some Internet providers (including cellular) block ports below 1024.