
Raven and PinPoint CDMA User Guide Version 1.12
AirLink Communications, Inc. Page 44 March 24, 2004
9.2 Raven and PinPoint AT Command Reference
AT Escape sequence (not preceded by AT).
If modem is in a data mode, this sequence causes the modem to re-
enter AT command mode. There must be 1 second of idle time on
the serial port before and after the sequence. Note that the “+” is
ASCII character 0x2B.
NOTE: The detection of this sequence is disabled if DAE=1
Re-execute last command.
AIP=n [?]
n = 0: Allow only the IP specified in S53 to connect when UDP auto
answer is enabled (S82=2).
n = 1: Allow any incoming IP to connect when UDP auto answer is
enabled (S82=2).
Always subject to any Friends filters that may be defined
Dial a connection to a remote IP and Port using either UDP, TCP,
or Telnet.
method =
P – Establish a UDP connection
T – Establish a TCP connection
N – Establish a Telnet connection
d.d.d.d = IP address to establish connection to
name = domain name to establish connection to
ppppp = IP port to establish connection to
ATD – Dial (establish) default connection per S53
ATDPnnn.nnn.nnn.nnn[/ppppp] - Dial (establish) UDP session to
the specified IP address/port.
If the method, IP address, or port is omitted, the values from S53
are used. If a telnet connection is requested (N) and the port is not
supplied, port 23 will be used instead of the value from S53.
Several special dialing numbers exist to make it easy to establish a
PPP or SLIP connection with the modem. ATD#19788 or
ATDT#19788 will establish a PPP connection (see \APPP) and
ATDT#7547 will establish a SLIP connection (see \ASLIP).
If a domain name is specified, the ‘@’ symbol can be used to
explicitly indicate the start of the name. For example, if
ATDPHONY” is issued, this will be interpreted as dial a UDP
connection to ”HONY”. To dial using the default method to host
PHONY”, one would issue “ATD@PHONY”.
To end the connection, issue the +++ escape sequence or drop the
DTR line (if Ignore DTR S211=0 or &D2)
NOTE: The source port of the session is the Device Port (set by
S110 or *DPORT)