
September 2006 6
Raven-E iDEN for TELUS - Quick Start, version 2.40
Utility Guides - These guides focus on the features of one of the AirLink modem utilities:
Wireless Ace, AceView, AceNet, Modem Doctor, etc.
Application Notes and How-To Guides - These guides detail configuring the modem to work
with a specific feature set or how the modem can be set up to work with a specific 3rd party
(non-AirLink) device.
Data Sheets and White Papers - These are technology based information documents.
Contacting Technical Support
For support assistance please email support@airlink.com or call 510-781-9760 Monday through
Friday 5 AM to 5 PM Pacific Time (8 AM to 8 PM Eastern Time). Support is not available week
ends or holidays.