Alcatel-Lucent 1353 Litespan Management System (LMS)
The Alcatel-Lucent 1353
Litespan Management System
(LMS) is the management
component of the Litespan
family, which offers cost-
effective voice, data, high-speed
Internet access (HSIA) and video
services for your residential
and business subscribers. The
integrated, centrally-operated
Alcatel-Lucent 1353 LMS man-
ages the Alcatel-Lucent 1540
Litespan multiservice network.
With the Alcatel-Lucent 1540
Litespan and the Alcatel-Lucent
1353 LMS, you can offer any mix
of revenue-generating services.
This multivendor-compatible
solution supports multiple
network topologies and trans-
port options, ensuring a smooth
transition from traditional voice
to next-generation network-
ing (NGN/IMS). Moreover, the
Alcatel-Lucent 1353 LMS and
Alcatel-Lucent 1540 Litespan
are integrated and tested with
other products in the Alcatel-
Lucent portfolio to offer com-
plete end-to-end NGN solutions.