Alcatel-Lucent 1643 AMS Access Multiplexer Small 3
New services, such as triple play and
business Ethernet, are placing great
demands on the existing transport
infrastructure. To be profitable, service
providers must reduce OPEX while
meeting SME demands by offering a
host of revenue-generating Internet
Protocol (IP) and Ethernet services.
At the same time, they must avoid
the complexity and expense of over-
lay networks.
The Alcatel-Lucent 1643 AMS,
a compact multiservice customer
premises equipment (CPE), econo-
mically transports TDM and Ethernet
services over SDH networks. This
system converges voice and data
traffic, eliminating the need for
overlay networks.
The 1643 AMS efficiently delivers
enterprise network services, such as
LAN and Private Branch Exchange
(PBX) interconnection over fiber,
all services where high performance
and reliability are essential attributes.
Used for interoffice applications in
both access and mobile networks, it
facilitates LAN-to-LAN communica-
tions on campus and virtual private
networks (VPNs). The 1643 AMS
has the flexibility to function in diverse
local-loop environments, supporting
various ring configurations for fiber-
to-the-business or -home (FTTB or
FTTH) applications.
Meeting enterprise demands
• Offers a cost-effective multiservice access platform for SME customers
• Increases revenue potential while reducing OPEX
• Extends Ethernet service to the customer premises over SDH facilities
• Delivers a wide range of installation options
• Offers versatile and robust management capabilities and network protection
• Supports ber and copper access for SDH, TDM and Ethernet trafc
through both optical and electrical interfaces