5Alcatel-Lucent 1671 Service Connect
Network planners believe that maximizing revenue and
minimizing cost is best achieved through the consolidation
of network elements, which in turn leads to increased
overall network efficiency. The Alcatel-Lucent 1671 SC
provides a path for central office and network optimiza -
tion by offering the features and densities needed to achieve
these goals. The MSM is available on all new Alcatel-
Lucent 1671 SC systems or can be added, in service, to
all existing Alcatel-Lucent 1671 SC systems via a simple
plug-in unit replacement, as illustrated in Figure 3.
The 80G center stage can be
easily swapped out for the new
240G center stage, while the
new 20G end stage cards, shown
in blue, replace the functionality
of the previously discrete 5G link
end stage cards and switching
cards, shown in yellow and
green respectively. This allows
the Alcatel-Lucent 1671 SC to
offer 4,608 STS-1 equivalents in
only two seven-foot racks, with
Copy 0/Copy 1 redundancy, far
outclassing the density of
competitors’ devices.