Supported Traps
OmniSwitch 6800/6850/9000—Release 6.1.3.R01 page 37
Supported Traps
The following traps are supported in 6.1.3.R01:
No. Trap Name Platforms Description
0 coldStart all The SNMP agent in the switch is rein-
itiating and its configuration may
have been altered.
1 warmStart all The SNMP agent in the switch is rein-
itiating itself and its configuration is
2 linkDown all The SNMP agent in the switch recog-
nizes a failure in one of the communi-
cations links configured for the
3 linkUp all The SNMP agent in the switch recog-
nizes that one of the communications
links configured for the switch has
come up.
4 authenticationFailure all The SNMP agent in the switch has
received a protocol message that is
not properly authenticated.
5 entConfigChange all An entConfigChange notification is
generated when a conceptual row is
created, modified, or deleted in one of
the entity tables.
6 aipAMAPStatusTrap all The status of the
Alcatel Mapping
Adjacency Protocol (AMAP) port
7 aipGMAPConflictTrap — This trap is not supported.
8 policyEventNotification all The switch notifies the NMS when a
significant event happens that
involves the policy manager.
9 chassisTrapsStr all A software trouble report (STR) was
sent by an application encountering a
problem during its execution.
10 chassisTrapsAlert all A notification that some change has
occurred in the chassis.
11 chassisTrapsStateChange all An NI status change was detected.
12 chassisTrapsMacOverlap all A MAC range overlap was found in
the backplane eeprom.
13 vrrpTrapNewMaster all The SNMP agent has transferred from
the backup state to the master state.
14 vrrpTrapAuthFailure — This trap is not supported.
15 healthMonDeviceTrap all Indicates a device-level threshold was
16 healthMonModuleTrap all Indicates a module-level threshold
was crossed.