Safety Measures
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OmniAccess 740 Hardware User’s Guide
Note: The entire OA-740 documentation set is shipped with each system. These documents
can also be downloaded from the Alcatel-Lucent Website.
Step 3: Verify the cards installed.
Verify that the line cards installed in your OA-740 match the card types on the
packing list.
Step 4: Have the tools to mount the chassis on the rack.
Keep tools, such as power screw-drivers, screws, cable guides/ties, etc., ready
with you for mounting the chassis on the rack.
The sections below describe the safety instructions to be followed while using the
Note: This equipment has been designed to the highest quality standards of materials,
workmanship, and safety. Do not bypass any of the safety features of this equipment
or operate this in an improper environment.
Warning: Observe the following safety warnings to prevent accidental injury while working with
the OA-740.
Follow the guidelines given below to avoid injury while working with the OA-740:
• To avoid injury, be careful when lifting the chassis out of the shipping box.
• Never attempt to rack mount the OA-740 chassis unaided. Ask an assistant to
help you for holding the chassis.
• Never operate the OA-740 with exposed power-supply units.
• Never operate the OA-740 if the chassis becomes wet or the area where the
chassis installed is wet.