Configuring OSPFv3 OSPFv3 Defaults Table
OmniSwitch 6800/6850/9000 Advanced Routing Configuration Guide December 2007 page 2-3
OSPFv3 Defaults Table
The following table shows the default settings of the configurable OSPFv3 parameters.
Parameter Description Command Default Value/Comments
Configures the OSPFv3 administra-
tive status.
ipv6 ospf status enabled
Configures the administrative status
for an OSPF interface.
ipv6 ospf interface status enabled
Enables OSPFv3 redistribution. ipv6 redist disabled
Configures timers for Shortest Path
First (SPF) calculation.
ipv6 ospf spf-timer delay: 5
hold: 10
Creates or deletes an area default
ipv6 ospf area 0
Configures OSPFv3 interface dead
ipv6 ospf interface dead-interval 40 seconds
Configures OSPFv3 interface hello
ipv6 ospf interface hello-interval 10 seconds
Configures the OSPFv3 interface
ipv6 ospf interface cost 1
Configures the OSPFv3 interface
ipv6 ospf interface priority 1
Configures OSPFv3 interface
retransmit interval.
ipv6 ospf interface retrans-inter-
5 seconds
Configures the OSPFv3 interface
transit delay.
ipv6 ospf interface transit-delay 1 second