Alcatel-Lucent End-to-End IP Wireless-Broadband Solution 3
Meeting the fast-paced challenges
of universal broadband
WiMAX offers operators the opportunity to capture the three main pieces
of the universal broadband industry trend in a single technology, regardless
of whether they are building on an existing business and subscriber base, or
starting from scratch:
•Ubiquity – untethering the broadband experience from fixed locations,
for access anywhere
•Always on – continuous broadband availability from the moment
the end user wakes in the morning until they retire at night
•All-IP – delivery of broadband over 100 percent IP networks offering
However, in deploying WiMAX today, operators find themselves in unfamiliar
and even for experienced mobile service providers, the IP networking aspect is
market approach, reduced risk and reduced network complexity — both for the
be anticipated, as the arrival of mobile WiMAX devices and handhelds will soon
begin to change users’ needs from more classical PC-oriented services to more
sure on service providers to maintain consistent, high-quality service delivery.
Figure 1. Today’s requirements for profitable service delivery
Strategic needs
• Move up value chain
• Make services more sticky, personalized
to leverage and monetize the
broadband connection
• New revenue streams,
business models
Operational needs
Despite rapid subscriber/
traffic growth:
• Maintain high QoS/QoE
• Control costs
Business-driver needs
• Rapid rollout
• Reliability: HSI and VoIP
• Solid terminal offer
offer, grow
Sustainable Expansion
3 Cs: cost-effective,
coverage and capacity