Appendix A: Glossary
Bass Program a sound Program selected from one of the Bass Banks
Card Program a sound Program selected from the “Card Bank”, an external
sound card inserted into the DG8’s back panel
Defaults settings or display values that are set at the factory as the most
useful and/or logical starting points for the various functions
within the unit
Graphic EQ short for “graphic equalizer”, the five sliders on the left side of
the DG8’s control panel that are used to adjust the tone of the
sound output; the audio spectrum of the DG8 is divided into five
“frequency bands” or ranges that can be boost or cut ± 6 dB.
Initialize to perform a complete reset of the DG8’s functions to its defaults;
see “Defaults”
Keyboard Program a sound Program selected from one of the Keyboard Banks
Layer a combination of two Keyboard or Card Programs in which
playing the DG8 plays both sounds at once; this term also refers
to the selected
LAYER sound shown in the display
Primary Sound the sound program shown in the display selected from the
Keyboard Banks or the Card Bank; the Primary Sound is active
in all Play Modes: Single, Layer, Split and Split-with-Layer
Split the keyboard of the DG8 is divided into two play ranges: one of
the 28 Bass Programs is assigned to the lower range of the
keyboard (normally played with the left hand) and one of the 60
Primary Sounds assigned to the upper range of the keyboard
(normally played with the right hand); see also “Split Point”
Split Point the key that determines where the two ranges of a split are
divided; the Split Point is the highest key of the “lower” range
Split-with-Layer a keyboard setup where the Split function (a Bass Program on
the lower range of keys) is used with the Primary Sound and a
Layer on the upper key range
Soft Pedal pressing this pedal reduces the loudness and brightness of the
Sostenuto Pedal similar to Sustain Pedal, except that notes which are held when
the sostenuto pedal is pressed are sustained while any new notes
played after the pedal has been pressed are not sustained
Stretch Tuning a common acoustic piano tuning method where low strings are
tuned increasingly flat and high strings are tuned increasingly
Sustain Pedal pressing this pedal causes played notes to continue sounding
after the key is released. They will fade or "decay" in a manner
consistent with the selected instrument
Transpose changes the key of the DG8 ± 1 octave in half-step increments