AlfaSpid Rotator www.alfaradio.ca Page 14
Page 14 of 21 Alfa Radio Ltd. 11211 - 154 St. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5M 1X8 780 466 5779
The optional mouse controller allows easy desktop access to the
most commonly used front panel controls. These buttons are
functionally equivalent to the corresponding front panel controls.
- Left (Decrease)
- Right (Increase)
- Stop ( also the wheel between
left and right buttons )
In addition to the above controls, you will find 6 programmable preset
buttons on the mouse. Programmable preset buttons are only
available via the optional mouse controller. Preset headings are
programmed via the Setup Mode
The mouse ball serves no function; the mouse simply provides an
ergonomically pleasing case in which to mount the controls.
Mouse Controller (Optional)
The mouse controller is a
highly modified computer mouse.
You can not use a regular mouse
with the AlfaSpid rotator nor vice-