
Ch 2. First Time Configuration
Before Start to Configure
There are two interfaces to configure the device, one is web-browser
interface, and the other is Secure Shell CLI interface. To access the
configuration interfaces, make sure you are using a computer connected to
the same network as the device. The default IP address of the device is, and the subnet-mask is
The device has three operation modes (Router/Bridge/WISP). In bridge
mode, you can access the device by both WLAN (Wireless Local Area
Network) and wired LAN. And in router/WISP modes, the device can be
accessed by both WLAN and WAN. The default IP addresses for the device
are LAN), WAN), so you need to make sure
the IP address of your PC is in the same subnet as the device, such as
192.168.2.X(for LAN), 172.1.1.X(for WAN).
Please note that the DHCP server inside the device is default to up and
running. Do not have multiple DHCP servers in your subnet, otherwise it will
cause abnormal situation.
Inside the CD, we provide the device auto-discovery tool, the tool can detect
the device even your PC is not in the same subnet as the device in case the
IP address of device is changed and forgot by user. The tool only can
discover the device in your local area network.
Knowing the Network Application
ZWA-G192-OD can act as the following roles, and it supports WDS
(Wireless Distribution System) function.
z Access Point
z WDS (Wireless Repeater)
z Bridge/Router
z AP Client