• EVAPORATOR COIL ICED UP: Is the evaporator coil iced up due to incorrect (too low) of a set
point? Verify that the unit defrosts properly and the evaporator coil is clean of heavy frosting during
• DEBRIS IN THE BAN BLADE: Is there debris in the condenser fan blade? Not only can debris physi-
cally stop the fan blade from rotating (as discussed previously), but is can also block airflow thus pre-
venting the unit for cooling. As the air get hotter in the unit from lack of airflow, the condenser fan will
increase speed to allow more airflow.
• FULLY STOCKED: Is the unit fully stocked? If the unit is not properly stocked or half empty the unit
will have to work harder. Air does not hold temperature, products do. If there is not product in the re-
frigerator the unit will turn ON and OFF several times per hour. If the unit is fully stocked, the run-time
will be extended but also the off-time allowing the compressor to cool down properly between cycles.
This will help the unit run more efficiently as several runs per hour will increase compressor tempera-
tures thus requiring to work harder to cool down.
• TUBING RUBBING: Are there any tubes in the compressor area rubbing against each other? Is there
any rubbing between the tubing and the condenser fan housing or fan motor itself? The installation of
components at the back of the unit requires to have components closed together. During shipment
and installation some of these components might shift rubbing each other. Please verify there are no
lines rubbing or too close together as to touch when operating.