
FRS-1002-MD / FRS-1002-MD-LG-PA
Guide to installation and operation
The Basic Tree View Window
All openGear frames and compatible cards in your system are displayed
in the device list window.
Select the card you wish to control in the Basic Tree View tab. For more
information on the device list please consult the Dashboard Software User
Manual, provided on the installation CD.
The Product Status Area
The product status area of the Dashboard interface displays the selected
card’s product name, the card’s status (i.e. OK, Upgrade in Progress,
Alarm, or Error) and connection status (i.e. Online or Offline).
The Card Info Window
The Card Info window displays the product’s name and the manufacturer’s
name, and information that may be useful for upgrades and maintenance,
such as the assembly information, unit MAC address and firmware
Valid License List
In order to be able to repurpose your Algogear card, a license must be
available within the card for the Algogear product you want to switch to.
The Valid License List field displays the Algogear product that were
available at the time of your purchase, and for which you have a license.
For more information on how to repurpose your Algogear card, see the
«How to Repurpose your Algogear Card» section, on page 27.
Valid License List