ermal Controls
ermal Controls lets you control the thermal and venting capabilities of your
computer by changing the fan speed and behavior of the vents present on the
top of your computer.
Working With RAID
A redundant array of independent disks (RAID) is a disk storage conguration
that increases performance or data redundancy. ere are four basic RAID levels
discussed in this section.
RAID level 0 is recommended for higher performance (faster throughput). •
RAID level 1 is recommended for users who need a high level of data •
RAID level 5 is recommended for higher performance and fault tolerance.•
RAID level 10 is recommended for higher performance and data integrity.•
NOTE: RAID requires multiple hard drives. e number of hard drives
required varies depending on the RAID conguration.
Alienware Command Center
e Alienware
Command Center gives you access to Alienware’s exclusive
software and is a continuously upgradable control panel. As Alienware releases
new programs, they download directly into the Command Center allowing you to
build a library of system management, optimization, and customization tools.
To access the Command Center, click Start → All Programs→ Alienware→
Command Center→ Command Center.
AlienFX lets you customize the lighting behavior on your computer. You can
assign lighting behaviors to events like receiving new e-mail, computer going
into standby mode, and opening a new application.
AlienFusion gives you access to your Alienware computer’s power management
controls to help increase energy efciency.