PA User Guide 21
EXT FX INPUT TRS jack inputs for connecting the line
level stereo output from an external effects processor. The
inputs are unbalanced but can also accept balanced sources
without modification. The ring connection grounds the –ve
(cold) signal to unbalance a connected balanced source.
GAIN Adjusts the sensitivity of the input preamp to match
the connected source to the 0dBu operating level of the FX
channel. The control has a range from fully off to +10dB boost
so that sources from -10dBu and higher can be connected.
☺ Setting the gain Use the channel PFL function to view
the signal level on the console meters. Adjust the gain control
for average signal level around meter ‘0’.
FB1 and FB2 Use this control to adjust the overall level
of the effects in the FB1 and FB2 foldback mixes. The range is
from fully off to +6dB boost. The unity 0dB position is marked.
The signal is sourced after the fader. This means that moving
the FX fader also adjusts the level of effects in the foldback mix.
☺ Effects in the monitors Only add effects to the foldback
monitor mixes if they are really needed. Add as little as
possible. It is best to avoid effects such as reverb in the
monitors as they can increase the risk of feedback and can
reduce clarity. Start with the FB1 and FB2 controls fully off.
SEL Press this button to scroll through the 16 available
effects presets. One of the yellow LEDs lights to indicate which
effect is active. The scroll has 17 conditions, one of 16 LEDs
turned on, then all LEDs turned off. All off means that the
internal effects processor is disabled. Use this state if you want
to work with external effects only.
MUTE Press this switch to turn the FX channel signal off.
The large red LED lights to warn that the channel is muted.
Note that the LED also lights when the channel has been
muted by the footswitch. Mute turns off the LR and foldback
effect signals. It does not affect PFL. You can still use PFL to
check the effects signal while the channel is muted.
PFL Press this switch to listen to the effects signal in the
headphones and display its level on the main meters. PFL is
sourced pre-fader, pre-mute and sums the L and R stereo
signal into mono.
☺ Using PFL Use PFL to check the sound quality and
channel gain setting. You should hear the signal in your
headphones and see its level displayed on the console meters.
Adjust the gain control so that the meters read an average ‘0’
when the external processor produces its optimum output. The
signal may sound a little strange in your headphones because
you are listening to the effects (wet) part only. This is the
sound that adds to the direct mix to produce the effect.
PK! The PFL switch LED also provides the channel signal
peak indication. The indicator lights brightly when the pre-fade
signal reaches +16dBu. This means that it lights 5dB before
clipping to give you the chance to reduce the signal before you
hear any distortion. If the PK! Indicator flashes turn back the
channel gain control until it stops.
FADER A 100mm smooth travel fader adjusts the overall
effects level feeding the LR mix and foldback sends. It
provides up to +10dB boost above its unity gain ‘0’ position,
and shuts off fully when pulled back to its bottom position.
PK !
OO +6
OO +6
CH / RM 1
CH / RM 2