of ASTM documents can be obtained from American Society for Testing and Ma-
terials. 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428. Tel: 610-832-9585
Fax: 610-832-9555. The documents may also be purchased on the internet from
1. Survey Job Site Conditions - Verify environmental controls are operational.
The building temperature and humidity should be representative of what it
would be during normal use. The temperature should be between 65 to 85
degree and the relative humidity between 40% and 60% for a minimum of 48
hours prior to conducting tests.
2. Schedule Accordingly - The tests need to remain undisturbed for a minimum of
60 hours and a maximum 72 hours. On the rst day preparation will take place
and on the following day the tests will be set and retrieved in 60 to 72 hours.
3. Test Location & Frequency - Place tests throughout the area with some in the
middle of the building, at the perimeter, over cracks and joints and especially
in areas of potential moisture. The tests should be performed at a rate of three
tests for the rst 1,000 square feet and one test for each additional 1,000 sq feet.
You need to keep track of the following for your records:
1. Location of the tests
2. Test number
3. Ambient room temperature
4. Ambient humidity
5. Start date/End date
6. Start time/End time
7. Exposure time (15-minute increments)
8. Start weight/Ending weight
9. Weight gain
10. Note any unusual occurrences or damage to kit
11. Results of test
12. Flooring manufacturer’s moisture limits for materials to be installed.
13. Moisture testing can be done with relative accuracy; however, if one is to stray
from the test methods, your test could produce faulty results.