Changing the TV
screen settings
Use the procedure described below to set
the output screen according to the type of
TV monitor being used.
Changing the TV screen settings
Select “TV SCREEN” under
“Changing the default settings
(SET UP)” on page 24.
4 : 3 PAN-SCAN
Use the “Joystick” to
make the selection,
then press “ENT”.
Select this when connected to a conventional
4:3 size monitor. The picture will fill the entire
TV screen. However, due to the mismatch in
aspect ratio, parts of the movie at the extreme
left and right sides will not be visible.
Select this when connected to a conventional
4:3 size (normal TV aspect ratio) monitor.
There may be black stripes visible at the top
and bottom of the screen. The width of these
stripes will depend upon the original aspect
ratio of the theatrical release of the movie.