
Chapter 25: Enterprise VoIP Network Management
352 AltiWare ACM 5.1 Administration Manual
IP phone: The IP phone must be on hook. The user presses #27, and then inputs the
global extension number and password. The global extension is then relocated to
this IP phone.
If system B does not have a prior record of this extension, it will create a new
extension with known information and the following settings:
Enable IP Extension and Dynamic IP Address settings will be selected
automatically (in AltiWare Administrator, Extension Configuration window).
The newly created extension will use the default voice mail, mail forwarding,
notification, call handling, restriction, and monitor list settings (AltiWare
Administrator, Extension Configuration window).
Note: The administartor needs to make the proper changes for this user when
the global extension is relocated by the user.
When this Global extension user returns to his home office, all settings are
stored in the REL database. The administrator does not need to change these
settings when the user presses #27 to relocate the extension the next time.
Configuring Global Least Cost Routing
Global LCR allows you to save on toll charges by making long distance or international
calls through a VoIP domain member system. The target system will function like a PSTN
gateway for other member systems to hop-off. For example, suppose you have two
systems in the U.S. and one system in the U.K. configured as VoIP domain. When users
in the U.S. dial country code 44, you want the call to be dialed though the system in the
U.K. to its PSTN network.
Global LCR has higher priority than local outcall routing. The system will check the Global
LCR entries first before the call is handled by the local system's outcall routing rules.
Before you configure Global LCR, you need to evaluate the following conditions:
How many concurrent calls will be routed through the target system?
Does the target system have enough PSTN trunks to support the entire VoIP
Does the target system have enough WAN bandwidth to support system-to-system
and PSTN hop-off calls?
Before you configure Global LCR, you need to make sure the following settings are
properly configured in AltiWare Administrator:
Both systems need to have the route access code configured on the Number Plan
tab in System Configuration. (The user has to dial the route access code + the phone
number to use Global LCR.)
The target system needs to have the hop-off restriction reference properly
configured. The reference extension is set on the Call Restriction tab in System
Configuration, and then that reference extension cannot have Internal Calls Only
checked on the Restriction tab of Extension Configuration.