Electric Fryer Operation & Care Manual • 34
The “ShakTime” sub-menu provides the operator with a programmed time period
during which the baskets will automatically lift to half the normal raised position so
that the operator can shake each basket.Whenprogrammedintoaproductprocedure,
an alarm will sound to alert the operator at the start of the “ShakTime” cycle and
will continue until the activated product key is pressed. The amount of “ShakTime”
can only be programmed up to the maximum amount of frying time allotted to the
programmed product.
There is no “ShakTime” programmed into any of the products shown on the product
chart. The control provides shake time adjustment from “OFF” up to a period of
60minutes.Whenreceivedfromthefactory,shake-timewillindicate“OFF” in the
display for all programmed preset items.
Press the right4arrow key to enter the “ShakTime” sub-menu. Display stops flashing.
Press the Up or Downarrowkeystochangethesetting.Whenthedesired
amount of “ShakTime” appears, press the right4 arrow key to confirm the setting.
If no shake time is required, press the Down arrow key and scroll until “OFF”
appearsinthedisplay.Whenthecorrectsettingappears,presstheright4 arrow
key to confirm. Display flashes. Press the down arrow key to advance the control
to the next sub-menu setting.
To exit the control programming mode at any time, press and hold the LEFT arrow key.