This technical manual provides information This unit is self-contained, automatically
on the installation, operation, maintenance controlled, continuous duty perishable food
and inspection of this unit. A complete parts storage system. It is designed with the intent
breakdown is provided. and purpose of storing cold food items. The
operating temperature is automatically
monitored by controls that are factory-set to
The unit consist of the following: maintain a predetermined, adequate
Storage compartment : The insulated food condition.
storage compartment is clear storage area The unit consists of two basic compartment
Included in this area are the adjustable assemblies:
shelves and cooling coil.
a) Condensing Unit Compartment which
includes the condensing unit, the electrical
Doors: Access to the storage compartment is control panel with power switch and
through a hinged-mounted insulated door. terminal box, and a heated condensation
Condensing unit Compartment : This area evaporator.
contains the condensing unit along with the
b) Storage Compartment which consists of the
necessary controls. insulated clear storage area for perishable
food items requiring a temperature range
Evaporator Coil : The evaporator coil is
of 37° to 40°F (3° to 4°C). The clear
located in the storage compartment and is storage area includes adjustable shelving.
responsible for distributing the cold air
associated with the refrigeration system
The primary focus for the design of the
refrigerated cabinet is for the safe storage of
The unit is shipped from the factory fully food products which require refrigeration.
assembled except the adjustable shelving that Considerable engineering attention was
will require positioning on the side racks. placed on the qualities of function and
The complete assembly is palletized and serviceability.
crated to reduce the possibility of damage in The refrigeration system is a closed loop
shipping and storage. system. Unless the system develops a leak,
adding additional refrigerant is not necessary.
Refrigerant: 404a
Electrical : The refrigeration system is completely factory-
assembled, pre-charged and ready for operation.
The control has been set to display temperature
220-240VAC in degrees Fahrenheit or degree Celsius as
50 Hz, 1∅
specified on the original order.
3.76 Amps To energize the system, it is only necessary to
locate the power supply cord and connect it to a
proper electrical supply source. Once the
supply cord has been connected to a power
source, the unit can be started by switching the
power control switch to the "ON" position.
NEMA 6-15P
15A, 250V Plug
3.1 SHUT
To shut-down, place the power control in the
Net 557±22 lb (253±10kg)
"OFF" position and open the door to allow the
Shipping 693±22 lb (315±10kg)
cabinet interior temperature to equalize with
the room temperature.
Use a mild detergent diluted in warm water to
wash the interior and exterior surfaces of the
Alto-Shaam Mobile Refrigerated Carts
Operation and Care Manual #8410/11 . 2