
After authorization, you will be able to find AEBK07FS recognized
in ADE as below. Contents inside AEBK07FS will be displayed on
the right hand windows.
You can now start downloading or buying ebooks from online
Ebook stores supporting Adobe DRM such as www.borders.com.
Purchased or downloaded ebooks will be stored in [My Digital
Editions] in [My Documents].
Transferring DRM ebooks to AEBK07FS
From ADE menu, click on [All Items] on the left column
Items in [My Digital Editions] will be listed down in right window.
Select the desired item(s) to be transferred, <Shift> + <Left Click>
to select multiple files.
Drag and drop the selected item(s) into AEBK07FS’s Drive located
on the last row of the column on the left as illustrated below.