
Chapter 4 - Operation and Administration
BreezeACCESS VL System Manual
Before transmitting the frames to the Ethernet port, the Service Provider
VLAN ID tag is removed.
The Service Provider VLAN ID affects frames received from the Ethernet link port,
as follows: A Service Provider tag, that includes the configured Service Provider
VLAN ID (and the VLAN QinQ Ethertype) is inserted in all frames, both tagged
and untagged, before transmission to the wireless link. VLAN Traffic Priority
The VLAN Traffic Priority menu enables configuring the VLAN Priority field in
applicable frames. These parameters only impact the way in which other VLAN
aware devices in the network will handle the packet. All parameters that affect
prioritization within the BreezeACCES VL system, including VLAN-based
prioritization, are located in the Traffic Prioritization menu.
The VLAN Traffic Priority menu includes the following parameters:
VLAN Priority – Data (SU only)
VLAN Priority – Management VLAN Priority - Data (SU only)
The VLAN Priority - Data is applicable for Access Links only. It enables
configuring the value of the VLAN Priority field for data frames transmitted to the
wireless link. All data frames are routed to the Low queue. This parameter only
impacts the way other VLAN aware devices handle the packet.
Valid values range from 0 to 7.
The default value is 0. VLAN Priority - Management
The VLAN Priority - Management enables defining the value of the VLAN Priority
field for management frames in units with VLAN ID-Management that is other
than 65535. All management frames are routed to the High queue. This
parameter only impacts the way other VLAN aware devices handle the packet.
Valid values range from 0 to 7.
The default value is 4 for SUs and 0 for AUs. VLAN QinQ Protocol Ethertype
The VLAN QinQ Proptocol Ethertype parameter sets the Ethertype of the Service
Provider tag, and is applicable only for Service Provider Links.
The valid values are from 8100 to 9000, 9100 and 9200 (Hex).