Chapter 8 · 113KINDLE USER’S GUIDE 4
For details on fees, click on the Learn more link in the “Your individual charges”
section of your Manage Your Kindle page for your Kindle on Amazon.com.
Tip: If you would like to avoid the fee, address the e-mail so that the second part
of your Kindle e-mail address is @free.kindle.com. After sending to the @free.kindle.
com address, a link to the converted file will be e-mailed to your Amazon.com e-mail
address. You can then download the file to your Kindle’s documents folder via USB
using your computer.
The conversion service on Your Kindle is meant for the receipt of personal, non-
commercial documents only. You may not authorize the sending of documents from
automated distribution services.
8.4 Audiobooks and MP3s
You can purchase, transfer, and play audiobooks from Audible.com as well as transfer
MP3 files to Kindle to play as background audio while you read.
Kindle supports the thousands of audiobooks available through Audible.com. You
can purchase and download one or more of these books from Audible.com through
your Windows or Mac-based computer and then transfer these books over USB to
your Kindle’s “Audible” folder, and listen to them on your Kindle. Once on your Kindle,
an Audible file will be displayed on your Home screen with your other documents.
The file will have the word “audio” next to the title to indicate that it is an audiobook.
Audible offers five versions of its audiobook format. Kindle is compatible with formats
4 and Audible Enhanced (AAX). Formats 1, 2, 3 and audiobooks provided from other
sources are not supported.
The first time you play an Audible audiobook, you will be prompted to register your
Kindle with Audible. Make sure you register with your Audible account name and
password, not your Amazon account credentials.