Chapter 1 Overview 1
26237C—May 2003 AMD Athlon™ XP Processor Model 10 Data Sheet
Preliminary Information
The AMD Athlon™ XP processor model 10 with QuantiSpeed™
architecture powers the next generation in computing platforms,
delivering extreme performance for Windows
The AMD Athlon™ XP processor model 10, based on leading-
edge 0.13 micron technology and increased on-chip cache,
integrates the innovative design and manufacturing expertise
of AMD to deliver improved performance while maintaining the
stable and compatible Socket A infrastructure of the
AMD Athlon processor.
Delivered in an OPGA package, the AMD Athlon XP processor
model 10 delivers the integer, floating-point, and 3D
multimedia performance for highly demanding applications
running on x86 system platforms. The AMD Athlon XP
processor model 10 delivers compelling performance for
cutting-edge software applications that include high-speed
Internet capability, digital content creation, digital photo
editing, digital video, image compression, video encoding for
streaming over the Internet, soft DVD, commercial 3D
modeling, workstation-class computer-aided design (CAD),
commercial desktop publishing, and speech recognition. The
AMD Athlon XP processor model 10 also offers the scalability
and reliability that IT managers and business users require for
enterprise computing.
The AMD Athlon XP processor model 10 features a
seventh-generation microarchitecture with an integrated,
exclusive L2 cache, which supports the growing processor and
system bandwidth requirements of emerging software,
graphics, I/O, and memory technologies. The high-speed
execution core of the AMD Athlon XP processor model 10
includes multiple x86 instruction decoders, a dual-ported
128-Kbyte split level-one (L1) cache, an exclusive 512-Kbyte L2
cache, three independent integer pipelines, three address
calculation pipelines, and a superscalar, fully pipelined,
out-of-order, three-way floating-point engine. The floating-point
engine is capable of delivering outstanding performance on
numerically complex applications.