
Low Fluid Indicator
Because pump failure becomes one of the biggest problems when running a fog machine dry of fluid,
and leading cause fog machine failure we have added a “Low Fluid Indicator” feature. This feature
stops the machine operation when the fluid level has gone down too low. The “Low Fluid Indicator”
L.E.D. is located on the back of the Volcano™ next to the On/Off switch. This indicator will begin to
flash red and green when fluid level has gone down too low (red-red-green-green).
This is not a mal-
In addition, the green L.E.D. on the remote will also begin to flash indicating that the
machine requires fluid. During normal operation, remember to always maintain an adequate supply
of fog juice in the tank reservoir.
DDuurriinngg nnoorrmmaall ooppeerraattiioonn wwiitthh aann aaddeeqquuaattee ssuuppppllyy ooff ffoogg jjuuiiccee iinn tthhee rreesseerrvvooiirr
tthhee LLooww FFlluuiidd IInnddiiccaattoorr rreedd LLEEDD wwiillll ffllaasshh ccoonnttiinnuuoouussllyy ttoo iinnddiiccaattee pprrooppeerr ooppeerraattiioonn,,
tthhiiss iiss nnoorrmmaall aanndd nnoott aa mmaallffuunnccttiioonn!!
rouble Shooting and Service:
If you experience low output, pump noise, or no output at all, disconnect the machine immediately.
Do not attempt to continue use as this may damage the unit. Check fluid level, the external fuse,
remote connection, and main power. If all of the above appear to be O.K., and the unit continues to
fail to operate, the unit will require service. Return the machine to an American DJ Authorized dealer
or service center.
We recommend you fill out the enclosed warranty card to validate your purchase. All returned
service items whether under warranty or not, must be freight pre-paid and accompanied by an
R.A. #. If the unit is under warranty, you must provide proof of purchase invoice.
Not all fog juice is created equal. Due to this fact we
only recommend the use of American DJ® brand fog liquid.
Use of any other brand of liquid may cause damage to your
fog machine and therefore void the manufactures warranty!
Affordable Quality Lighting Products from American DJ® Los Angeles, CA. 90058 USA