MEGAPOWER CPU 8200-0421-03, REV. G
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APPENDIX K: Satellite Configuration Overview
A satellite system is a network of two or more
MegaPower 3200 video-matrix CCTV systems linked by
video and data communications. You can link up to 30
individual MegaPower 3200 video-matrix CCTV
systems into a satellite network.
Satellite systems are often used where multiple systems
are needed in separate buildings or rooms, such as
large multi-building corporate complexes, manufacturing
facilities, college campuses, hospitals, and casinos.
Each satellite site communicates and shares video
according to how you program it. You can enable
operators at any one site to access the cameras and
monitors at any other site. You can also restrict access
to sites, as well as to certain cameras within certain
Satellite sites are programmed as either local or remote
• A local site refers to features that are accessible
within a single site by the keyboard attached to that
site’s MegaPower CPU.
• A remote site refers to features of other MegaPower
CPU sites in a satellite network that are accessible
from the local system.
Depending on the individual site connections
(unidirectional or bidirectional), each site may be a
source site, a receiving site, or both.
For illustrations of unidirectional and bidirectional
connections between sites, refer to the following:
Typical Satellite System Connections – Two
Sites, Unidirectional on page
Typical Satellite System Connections – Two
Sites, Bidirectional on page
These sites are further defined as follows:
• Source Site – a satellite site that provides video
trunk outputs to other sites.
• Receiving Site – a satellite site that receives video
trunk inputs from other sites.
• Source and Receiving – a satellite site that both
provides video trunk outputs to other sites and
receives video trunk inputs from other sites
Setting Up Satellite Sites
Satellite system operations require specific setup
procedures at each site in the satellite network before
any remote functions can be performed.
At every site in a satellite network you can enable User
IDs, create a site number, and perform other
programming functions to enable or disable sharing.
The following local setup procedures are required for
satellite (remote) operations.
• Verify Satellite Site Connections – Before starting
system setup, verify the RS-232 communications
links for control commands between sites and video
trunk lines for video transmission between sites. For
installation and connection procedures, refer to the
MegaPower CPU Installation Guide, 8200-0421-01.
• Identify the local Site Number – Assign each site
in a satellite network a unique site number. The site
number is required for addressing purposes when
commands and data are transmitted. Site numbers
for the MegaPower CPU system range from 1 to 30.
• Identify the Local RS-232 Data Communications
Link to Other Sites – At every site, define all
RS-232 port data interfaces from the local site to
each remote site. This is accomplished through the
Port Communications function in the setup software.
• Identify the Local Video Trunk Inputs – At a
receiving site, define all video trunk inputs to the
local site from each remote site. In addition, program
a remote site title for each video trunk input.
Note: This title is displayed on the monitor when that
site is called from a keyboard.
If the MegaPower CPU system is equipped with
Video Loss Detector modules, set each video trunk
input loss detection to OFF.
• Set Local Access Restrictions – Access
restrictions must be placed on specific resources at
the local site to prevent interference with satellite
− At the source site, set user access to the video
trunk monitor outputs to “N” (access denied) for all
local keyboards.
− At a receiving site, operators not requiring access
to a remote site can be denied access to the trunk
lines having camera access partitioning. The
system administrator can set the camera access
to “N” (access denied) for those operators.
− At a receiving site, set any desired restrictions for
individual local keyboard access to individual
remote sites.
− At each site, set any desired optional restrictions
for individual local keyboard, monitor, and camera
• Record Local Satellite Site Connections – Use
Satellite Site Connections table on page 80 to
record all links between the local site and all remote
sites that are connected to it.