Architect & Engineer Specification
8200-2608-01 B0 VideoEdge
Network Video Recorder 20 of 20
A. The Contractor shall demonstrate the functionality of the Network Video Recorder
upon completion of installation, documenting the result of all tests and providing
these results to the Owner. The Network Video Recorder shall be tested in
accordance with the following:
1. The Contractor shall conduct a complete inspection and test of all installed
Network Video Recorder equipment. This includes testing and verifying
operation with connected equipment.
2. The Contractor shall provide staff to test all devices and all operational features
of the system for witness by the Owner’s representative and the Authority
Having jurisdiction. All testing must be witnessed by the Owner’s representative,
prior to acceptance.
3. The testing and certification shall take place as follows:
a. The Network Video Recorder shall be tested in conjunction with the
manufacturer’s representative.
b. All deficiencies noted in the above test shall be corrected.
c. Test results shall be submitted to the consultant or Owner’s representative.
d. The test and correction of any deficiencies shall be witnessed by the owner’s
representative, and note.
e. The Owner’s representative shall accept the system.
f. The system test shall be witnessed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Any
deficiencies noted during the testing must be corrected.
4. A letter of certification shall be provided to indicate that the tests have been
performed, and all devices are operational.