Control System
External Chilled Water
Setpoint (ECWS)
The External Chilled Water Setpoint
allows the chilled water setpoint to
be changed from a remote location.
The External Chilled Water Setpoint
is found on 1A16 J2-5 to J2-6
(Ground). 2-10 vdc and 4-20 ma
corresponds to a default 34°F to 65°F
(-17.8 to 18.3°C) adjustable via service
External Current Limit Setpoint
The External Current Limit is an
option that allows the current limit
setpoint to be changed from a remote
location. The External Limit Setpoint
is found on 1A16 J2-2 to J2-3
(ground), 2-10 vdc and 4-20 ma each
correspond to a 40 to 100 percent
RLA range. UCP limits the maximum
ECLS to 100 percent.
Default 40 to 100%, adjustable via
service tool.
WPSR (WFC Water Pressure Sensing Option)
1A21 Optional Dual WPSR = WFC Signal #1 Evaporator Differential Not for field use
Analog Input or output Water Pressure
1A21 Optional Dual WPSR = WFC Signal #2 Condenser Differential Not for field use
Analog Input or output Water Pressure
Module Characteristics
1A1, 1A2 Power Supply :
Unit Control Power Supply Module
Converts 27 vac to 24 vdc.
Power Input Voltage: 23VRMS
minimum, 27VRMS Nominal,
30VRMS maximum
Frequency: 50-60 Hz
Current: Full load 27 VAC – 4.30 A
Inrush 27 VAC (RMS) ~ 30A (RMS)
Power Output: Class II Voltage 24
VDC, Rated Current 2.44 Amps.
Fused at 3 amps
1A3, 1A5, 1A10 Dual Relay Output
modules :
Relay #1 J2-1 NO, J2-2 NC, J2-3
Relay #2 J2 4 NO, J2-5 NC, J2-6
Relay Outputs at 120 VAC: 7.2 Amps
resistive, 2.88 Amps pilot duty, 1/3
HP, 7.2 FLA at 240 VAC: 5 Amps
general purpose, 14 - 26 AWG with a
maximum of two 14 AWG.
Power, 24 +/- 10 percent VDC, 60 mA
maximum, Trane IPC3 protocol. J1-1
+24VDC, J1-2 Ground, J1-3 COMM +
J1-4 COMM -
1A4, 1A6 Dual High Voltage Binary
input module:
Binary Input Signal #1 J2-1 to 2
Binary Input Signal #2 J3-1 to 2
High Voltage Binary Input: Off
Voltage: 0 to 40 VAC RMS , On
Voltage: 70 to 276 VAC RMS
Input is not polarity sensitive (Hot
and neutral can be switched), Input
impedance 130K to 280K ohms
14 - 26 AWG with a maximum of two
14 AWG
Power, 24 +/- 10 percent VDC, 20 mA
maximum. Trane IPC3 protocol. J1-1
+24VDC, J1-2 Ground, J1-3 COMM +,
J1-4 COMM -
1A7 High Power Output Module
Relay contacts at 120 VAC:
16 amps resistive, 6.4 amps,pilot
duty, 1 HP
J2-14-26 awg witha maximum of two
14 awg
J2-1 J2-2 no, J2-3 NC, J2-4 com