26 McQuay OM 751
Description of Operation
Space Temperature Set Points
The UVC uses the six occupancy-based temperature set points as the basis to determine the
Effective Set point Output. The effective set point is calculated based on the unit mode, the
occupancy mode, and the values of several network variables. The effective set point then is
used as the temperature set point that the UVC maintains.
Table 14: Default occupancy-based temperature set points
Networked Set Point Capability
The Space Temp Setpoint Input variable is used to allow the temperature set points for the
occupied and standby modes to be changed via the network; the unoccupied set points are not
affected by this variable.
Networked Set Point Offset Capability
The Networked Set Point Offset Input variable is used to shift the effective occupied and
standby temperature set points by adding the value of the Setpoint Offset Input variable to the
current set points; the unoccupied points are not affected by this variable. This variable is
typically set bound to a supervisory network controller or to a networked wall module having
a relative set point knob.
Use the keypad/display to make adjustments to the value of the Setpoint Offset Input variable.
See “Changing Set Points” on page 9.
Note – The keypad/display and the network both affect the Set Point Offset Input variable. Keep
in mind that changes to this variable are last-one-wins.
Networked Set Point Shift Capability
The Set Point Shift Input variable is used to shift the effective heat/cool set points. It typically
is bound to a networked supervisory controller or system that provides functions such as
outdoor air temperature compensation. All occupied, standby, and unoccupied set points are
shifted upward (+) or downward (
–) by the corresponding value of the Set Point Shift Input
Note – The Set Point Shift Input capability is not available through the BACnet
Networked Space Temperature Sensor Capability
A networked space temperature sensor can be interfaced with the Space Temp Input variable.
When the Space Temp Input variable is used (valid value), it automatically overrides the hard-
wired space temperature sensor.
Temperature set point Abbreviation Defaults
Unoccupied cool UCS 82.4°F (28.0°C)
Standby cool SCS 77.0°F (25.0°C)
Occupied cool OCS 73.4°F (23.0°C)
Occupied heat OHS 69.8°F (21.0°C)
Standby heat SHS 66.2°F (19.0°C)
Unoccupied heat UHS 60.8°F (16.0°C)