BA-210SP Bassamp Cube with Digital Effects
Preset A
Preset B
Preset C
Preset D
The BA-210SP allows you to save four DSP settings by means of the two button footswitch sup-
plied with the amplifier. Use the following steps to store and recall four DSP s e t t i n g s :
•Press the footswitch button until both LEDs are off – select an effect (bypass, “0”) – for reference,
this shall be Preset A
•Press the #1 button on the footswitch (the #1 LED illuminates and Preset A is stored) - select
another effect (chorus, “1”) and adjust to taste – for reference, this shall be Preset B
•Press the #2 button on the footswitch (the #2 LED illuminates and Preset B is stored) - select
another effect (octawah, “11”) and adjust to taste – for reference, this shall be Preset C
•Press the #1 button on the footswitch again (the #1 LED turns off and Preset B is stored) - select
another effect (SVT, “12”) and adjust to taste – for reference, this shall be Preset D
•Press the #2 button on the footswitch again (both LEDs are off and Preset D is stored) - Preset A
is automatically recalled – without changing the setting of the Effects control. Selection of the
e ffects is now controlled by the footswitch.
NOTE: The footswitch presets will be retained within the amplifier even after turning the amplifier
off, until the above steps are repeated using different effects settings.