TD-7Z, TD-41Z, TD-7ZDW, TD-41ZDW
The following is a checklist of components required for proper installation of these
BOILER MATE™ models, both Priority and Non-Priority:
A. Separate circulator
1 each - circulator (4-8 gpm)
• 1 each - positive shut-off weighted check valve
B. Use of heating system zone circulator
1 each - zone valve
C. Also Required:
• 4 each - unions
• 4 each - shut off valve
• 1 each - vacuum breaker
• 1 each - T & P relief valve (included)
• 1 each - A THERM-X-TROL
expansion tank - REQUIRED IF a Back flow preventer, check
valve or pressure reducing valve is installed anywhere between the BOILER MATE™ and
the city main.
• As needed - pipe dope or Teflon tape
• Do not forget an EXTROL
and thermal expansion - an expansion tank is required on the boiler
side of your system.
If a steel hydropneumatic tank is in place, AMTROL recommends
replacing it with a properly sized EXTROL
expansion tank. Otherwise,
significant heat transfer problems can occur by causing air to be trapped in the heat
exchanger. If the boiler system has an EXTROL
expansion tank and the boiler
temperatures are being changed, resize the EXTROL
expansion tank.