WH-7, 41 WHS 60 & 80 WHS 120 WHS 60 & 80 WHS 120
and 9 Series TD-7 Series TD-7 RTR TD-80 Series Residential Residential Commercial Commercial
Single Wall Heat Exchanger
w/Gasket and Nuts 2700-5000 2700-5005 2700-5007 2700-5008 2775-82 2775-81 2700-5001 2700-5001
Double Wall Heat Exchanger
w/Gasket & Nuts 2700-5002 2700-5006 N/A N/A 2775-83 2775-83 2775-84 2775-84
Commercial Heat Exchanger
w/Gasket & Nuts 2700-5001 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A See Above See Above
Top Outlet Tee
w/O-Ring 2700-635 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Flange Gasket:
Bottom & Top 2704-403 2704-403 2704-403 2704-403 2704-403 2704-403 2704-403 2704-403
Assembly 2700-924 2700-924(exc DW) 2700-924 2700-1167 2700-924 2700-924 2700-924 2700-924
Top Outlet O-Ring or
Bottom Drain O-Ring 2500-178 2500-178 2500-178 2500-178 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Smart Controlâ„¢ 2704A233 2704A233 2704A233 2704A233 2704A233 2704A233 N/A N/A
Sensor (thermistor)
wire 2704-259 2704-259 2704-259 2704-259 2704-259 2704-259 N/A N/A
Dial Aquastat
(residential) 2704-093 2704-093 2704-093 2704-093 2704-093 2704-093 N/A N/A
Dial Aquastat
(commercial) N/A N/A N/A N/A 2775-454 2775-454 2775-454 2775-454
Conversion Kit:
Dial Aquastat 2704-227 2704-227 N/A 2704-227 2775-389 2775-389 2775-389 2775-389
to Smart Controlâ„¢
Conversion Kit:
Smart Controlâ„¢ to 2704-392 2704-392 N/A 2704-392 2775-455 2775-455 2775-455 2775-455
Dial Aquastat plus 2775-454 plus 2775-454
Circulator Pump 245-58 245-58 245-62 245-58 245-58 245-58 N/A N/A
Water Sensor 2704-495 245-58 245-62 245-58 245-58 245-58 N/A N/A
To obtain replacement parts, contact the installer or place of purchase. Technical support is available by calling
AMTROL at (401) 535-1216.