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Chapter 4 Front Panel Indicators
Six LED indicators and the console port socket are located on the front panel of the
SeriaLAN. The LEDs display an indication of the status of the unit.
Indicator Function
POWER Shows that the equipment is powered.
CD ( Carrier Detect )
ON when the unit receives a Carrier Detect signal from the DCE
connected to the serial port.
100 ON when SeriaLAN Ethernet interface is running 100 MBPS.
ON when the unit is connected to an equipment of the Ethernet
network (Switch, HUB….)
RX Flashing when the unit is receiving data at the Ethernet interface.
Flashing when the unit is transmitting data at the Ethernet
A terminal or the serial port of a computer (19200,8,N,1) can connect to the front panel
ADMIN port. This connection is used for installing the unit and testing its operation, but it is
not required for further normal operation.