1-4 CONVENTIONS Throughout this manual, the ME7840A Power Amplifier System may be
referenced as PATS or ME7840A; the MS462XC may be referenced as
Scorpion or MS462XC; and the MS4782X Test Set may be referenced as
Test Set or MS4782X.
1-5 SERIAL NUMBER All ANRITSU instruments are assigned a unique six-digit serial number,
such as “940101.” This number is affixed to a decal on the rear panel of
each unit. In any correspondence with ANRITSU Customer Service,
please use this number.
1-6 ONLINE MANUALS This manual is available on CD ROM as an Adobe Acrobat™ (*.pdf) file.
The file can be viewed using Acrobat Reader™, a free program that is
also available on the CD ROM. This file is “linked” such that the viewer
can choose a topic to view from the displayed “bookmark” list and “jump”
to the manual page on which the topic resides. The text can also be
word-searched. CD ROM part numbers are available on ANRITSU’s
Internet home page (http://www.global.anritsu.com/ library/). You can also
contact ANRITSU Customer Service for price and availability.
The ANRITSU ME7870A Power Amplifier Test System (PATS) is in-
tended for the measurement and real-time graphical display of the follow-
ing parameters of a power amplifier in the frequency range of 10 MHz to
6 GHz:
S-Parameters including Hot S
K Factor
Gain Compression and Phase Distortion
Intermodulation Distortion
Drain Current and Power Added Efficiency (PAE)
PATS is designed to facilitate alignment, tuning and pass/fail testing of
the components, modules and subassemblies of a power amplifier as well
as the completed amplifier.
The ME7840A hardware (Figure 1-1) consists of a MS462XC, Direct Re
ceiver Access (DRA) Scorpion, a MS4782X Test Set, a customer supplied
Personal Computer (PC), and an optional current probe (refer to Chapter
2, Figure 2-4 ). The MS462XC is available in two frequency ranges: 10
MHz to 3 GHz or 10 MHz to 6 GHz.
The Test Set is available in two configurations, as described in Table 1-1
The MS4782D is standard, and the MS4782A is Option 2. A block dia
gram of the PATS is shown in Figure 1-2 and the Option 2 system in Fig
ure 1-3.
1-2 ME 7840A OMM