MX370102A TDMA IQproducer
■ TDMA IQproducer:
The MX370102A TDMA IQproducer“ is GUI-driven PC
application software used to set up the parameters and
generate waveform patterns according to the TDMA system.
The generated waveform patterns are downloaded to the
MG3700A, and used to output TDMA Modulation baseband sig-
nals and RF signals with the ARB generation function of
the MG3700A.
In addition to the signals supporting the PDC, PHS, and ARIB
STD-T61/T79/T86 systems, signals for other systems can also
be generated.
CPU Pentium III 1 GHz or faster
Memory size ≥512 Mbytes
HDD ≥5 Gbytes
Display 1024 × 768 pixels or more
OS Windows
2000 Professional, Windows
IQproducer™ operating environment
LAN or Compact Flash
(1) IQproducer is
installed in PC.
(2) Waveform data is
generated using
(3) Waveform data is
transmitted to
(4) The waveform
data of an output
signal is chosen.
MG3700A Vector Signal Generator
Main screen:
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