InstaCal Module
The Anritsu InstaCal module can be used in place of discrete components to calibrate the
Site Master. The InstaCal module can be used to perform an Open, Short and Load (OSL)
calibration procedure. Calibration of the Site Master with the InstaCal takes approximately
45 seconds (see Calibration, page 3-2). Unlike a discrete calibration component, the
InstaCal module can not be used at the top of the tower to conduct load or insertion loss
measurements. The module operates from 2 MHz to 4 GHz and weighs eight ounces.
Anritsu recommends annual re-characterization of the InstaCal module to verify perfor
mance with precision instrument data. The re-characterization can be performed at a local
service center or at the factory.
Annual Verification
Anritsu recommends an annual calibration and performance verification of the Site Master
and the OSL calibration components and InstaCal module by local Anritsu service centers.
Anritsu service centers are listed in Table 1-2 on the following page.
The Site Master itself is self-calibrating, meaning that there are no field-adjustable compo
nents. However, the OSL calibration components are crucial to the integrity of the calibra
tion and therefore, must be verified periodically to ensure performance conformity. This is
especially important if the OSL calibration components have been accidentally dropped or
Chapter 1 General Information