Preventive Maintenance
Site Master preventive maintenance consists of cleaning the unit and inspecting and clean
ing the RF connectors on the instrument and all accessories.
Clean the Site Master with a soft, lint-free cloth dampened with water or water and a mild
cleaning solution.
CAUTION: To avoid damaging the display or case, do not use solvents or abra
sive cleaners.
Clean the RF connectors and center pins with a cotton swab dampened with denatured alco
hol. Visually inspect the connectors. The fingers of the N (f) connectors and the pins of the
N (m) connectors should be unbroken and uniform in appearance. If you are unsure whether
the connectors are good, gauge the connectors to confirm that the dimensions are correct.
Visually inspect the test port cable(s). The test port cable should be uniform in appearance,
not stretched, kinked, dented, or broken.
ESD Precautions
The Site Master, like other high performance instruments, is susceptible to ESD damage.
Very often, coaxial cables and antennas build up a static charge, which, if allowed to dis-
charge by connecting to the Site Master, may damage the Site Master input circuitry. Site
Master operators should be aware of the potential for ESD damage and take all necessary
precautions. Operators should exercise practices outlined within industry standards like
JEDEC-625 (EIA-625), MIL-HDBK-263, and MIL-STD-1686, which pertain to ESD and
ESDS devices, equipment, and practices.
As these apply to the Site Master, it is recommended to dissipate any static charges that
may be present before connecting the coaxial cables or antennas to the Site Master. This
may be as simple as temporarily attaching a short or load device to the cable or antenna
prior to attaching to the Site Master. It is important to remember that the operator may also
carry a static charge that can cause damage. Following the practices outlined in the above
standards will insure a safe environment for both personnel and equipment.
Chapter 1 General Information