needed. If the motherboard uses a 20-pin connector; detach the 4-pin
attachment on the 24-pin power connector (see pictures 1 and 2). Note: the
detachable 4-pin section cannot be used in place of the 4-pin +12V connector.
2. Connect the Reset switch (labeled RESET SW) to the motherboard at the RST
connector. Polarity (positive and negative) does not matter for switches.
3. Power Switch (labeled POWER SW) connects to the PWR connector on the
4. Power LED (labeled POWER LED) connector is located behind the Reset
connector. For LEDs, the colored wire is positive (+) and the white wire is
negative (-). If the LED does not light up when the system is powered on, try
reversing the connection. For more info on connecting LEDs to your
motherboard, see your motherboard manual.
5. Hard Drive LED (labeled H.D.D. LED) connects to the IDE connector.
USB Connection
The USB2.0 connector going to the motherboard matches up with the Intel
standard as follow: power, negative signal, positive signal, and ground
consecutively. Before you connect the USB2.0 connector to the motherboard,
please check the motherboard user manual for the correct pin layout.
Note: Please check the motherboard manual for the USB header pin layout and
make sure it matches the table below. If it does not match this Intel® standard,
please visit Antec’s web store at http://www.antec.com/StoreFront.bok and
search for part number 30095 to order a USB Internal Adapter Cable. This adapter
will allow you to connect the front USB to your motherboard on a pin-by-pin basis.
Motherboard Pin Layout
3.5” Device Installation
There is one 3.5” drive cage inside the case. It can hold 2 external 3.5” drives and
3 internal 3.5” (HDD) drives.
1. Remove the screw, which fastens the cage to the case. Slide the cage out of
the case.
2. Mount your external 3.5” drives into the top two drive bays and the internal
drives into the third drive bay down. Load the drives from the back, lining
them up to the front of the drive cage.
3. With one hand supporting the drive, fasten the drive to the cage with the
screws provided.
4. Slide and fasten the cage back to the case.
5. Find a small 4-pin white connector on the power supply and connect it to the
male 4-pin connector on the floppy drive.
6. Connect a 4-pin large white connector from the power supply to the male
4-pin connector on each of the other internal devices.
Pin Signal Names Pin Signal Names
USB Power 1
USB Power 2
Negative Signal 1
Negative Signal 2
Positive Signal 1
Positive Signal 2
Ground 1
Ground 2
Key (No Connection)
Empty Pin