InfraStruXure System - Installation and Start-Up 29
Start-Up Procedure
Apply power to the system
Safety warnings
This section provides instructions on how to perform a system start-up. Do not skip any steps in this
Electrical Hazard:
Only APC Field Service Engineers or qualified, APC-trained
personnel may perform a system start-up. Ensure that all power is off. See “Total Power
Off” on page 3.
Warning: Do not install any batteries into the XR Battery Enclosure or power modules
into the Symmetra PX UPS until instructed to do so.
1. Set the upstream main utility input circuit breaker to ON.
2. Ensure A-B-C clockwise phase rotation at the top of the Main Input switch on the
PDU, using a phase rotation meter.
3. Set the Main Input switch on the PDU to ON.
4. Verify A-B-C clockwise phase rotation at the top of the primary
winding of the transformer, using a phase rotation meter.
5. Verify that the proper voltage is present on the secondary
winding of the transformer
(208 V, metered phase-to-phase), using a true RMS voltmeter.