5.4 Audible alarms
The UPS features an audible alarm that beeps to indicate certain conditions
(see Secs. 5.4.1–5.4.4).
5.4.1 On-battery alarm
The UPS emits four short beeps every 30 seconds when the UPS is operat-
ing on battery power. You may silence this alarm by pressing the alarm
disable button (see Sec. 5.1.9). The on-battery alarm is reset when on-line
operation is resumed.
5.4.2 Low battery
The UPS beeps steadily to indicate that less than 2 minutes of power
remains before shutdown from battery exhaustion (or 5 minutes; see
Sec. 5.5.4).
5.4.3 Replace battery
The UPS emits short beeps for 1 minute if the UPS’s batteries fail the self-
test. If the UPS is left operating in this condition, the UPS emits short beeps
once every 5 hours until a successful battery test is completed.
5.4.4 Overload
The UPS emits a loud, sustained tone when overloaded. When the load
exceeds the UPS’s rating during on-line operation, the alarm sounds until
the overload is removed. If the overload occurs during on-battery opera-
tion, the alarm sounds until the UPS Enable switch on the rear panel is
turned off.
5.0 Operation