Programming Parameters
Installation Guide APC Silcon 480kW 400V UPS 35
5.0 Programming Parameters
Below table shows operating parameters programmable from keyboard. Only qualified users
should re-set programming parameters.
5.1 Parameters
* Factory settings in bold
** Only for systems with Battery Monitor active
*** Do not leave system running in bypass mode (Static bypass) for extended periodes of time,
as batteries are not recharged in bypass mode.
Parameter Setting* Comments
Bypass operation YES, NO YES will switch the system into bypass mode
GB, D, F
E, P, SK, H
Language of text in display
Autostart YES, NO
Automatic restart by mains return
(1 min.delay). Ensures quick battery recharge
Remote shutdown active YES, NO
Shutdown of UPS by remote signal when in
battery operation. Saves battery energy
Remote shutdown HIGH, LOW Nature of remote shutdown signal level
Remote shutdown time
0, 1, 2, 3, 4
5, 6, 7, 8, 9
10 min.
Time delay on remote shutdown of UPS
Battery capacity test ---
Initiates back-up time check.
Time measured from start until it reaches low
DC warning level.
(See User Guide section 6 )
Battery monitor test** ---
Initiates checks of battery condition by 25%
Automatic battery test** OFF, 3, 6 months
Activates the battery monitor test in cyclic
Battery monitor reset** ---
Press the and key
to resets alarm (flashing light)!
Boost charge YES, NO YES results in boost charge (10 hours)
Autoboost charge YES, NO
YES results in boost charge after battery
operation. (10 hours)
Enter new date YYMMDD Set tolocal date
Enter new time HHMMSS Set to local time (24 hour clock)