NetworkAIR ACPA400032
Remote temperature
Alarm setpoint may be too low.
Check the sensor placement. Ensure that the sensor is able to sense the
cool supply air from the unit.
Check that the sensor is not near a direct heat source such as an
equipment discharge fan, a room supply duct, a window, direct sunlight,
or a room entrance.
Equipment capacity may be too small for room load.
Check that the equipment is cooling. Verify that there is at least an 8°C
(15°F) temperature difference between supply and return air.
Remote temperature
Alarm setpoint may be too high.
Verify that the return air is not coming from a cold air supply source such
as a room discharge duct or an open window.
Remote humidity high Alarm setpoint may be too low.
Alarm delay may be too short. Allow sufficient time to let the equipment
bring space humidity under control. This is especially true with new
equipment start-up.
Remote sensor may be located near a moisture source such as an open
sink, a window, or an entrance to an unconditioned space.
Equipment capacity may be too large for space. Reduce fan speed to low.
Remote humidity low Alarm setpoint may be too high.
Air filter clogged Change the filter.
Water collection pan
Check the drain line for kinks, blockages, excessive length, or excessive
Check the drain line connection on the rear of the unit for proper
connection. Ensure the quick connect fitting is inserted and locked into
the unit drain connection.
User contact 1 alarm
Check the connected device.
User contact 2 alarm Check the connected device.
User contact 3 alarm Check the connected device.
Equipment shutdown
via remote stop
Verify remote stop.
Alarm Message Action Required