27InRow RC/RD/RP (600 mm) User’s Guide
By default, the cooling unit can send messages to up to four Syslog servers whenever events occur. The
Syslog servers, which must be specifically identified by their IP addresses or host names, record the
events that occur at network devices in a log that provides a centralized record of events.
Use this option to identify one or more Syslog servers that will receive Syslog messages and to specify a
port for each. Select the server address to edit existing server configurations or select Add Server to
configure additional servers.
This user’s guide does not describe Syslog or its configuration values in detail. For more
information about Syslog, see RFC3164, at www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3164.txt?number=3164.
Setting Definition
Syslog Server Uses specific IP addresses or host names to identify up to four servers that will receive
Syslog messages sent by the cooling unit.
Note: To use the Syslog feature, Syslog Server must be defined for at least one server.
Port Identifies the user datagram protocol (UDP) port that the cooling unit will use to send
Syslog messages. The default is 514, the number of the UDP port assigned to Syslog.