The top section of the Call-
UPS Setup menu displays the following
UPS II device information which will be needed in case technical
support is required:
• Model Number — the model number of Call-
• H/W Rev — the revision of the Call-UPS II hardware
• Serial Number — the serial number of this Call-
UPS II unit
F/W Rev — the revision number of the Call-UPS II firmware
• Manuf. Date — the date this Call-
UPS II was manufactured
The remaining two sections of the Call-
UPS Setup menu list changeable
settings of Call-
UPS II. For a description of these settings, see the table
that follows.
4.6 Call-UPS Settings
To see or change Call-UPS II settings, go to the main menu and type 5,
then press
ENTER. You will see the following display.
---------------------CALL-UPS SETUP ---------------------
Model Number: AP9608 HW Rev: A2
Serial Number: WA718570411 F/W Rev: K
Manuf. Date: 6/27/97
1- Set Date: Sep-28 ’97 7- Ansi Color: Off
2- Set Time: 10:38:06 8- Baud Rate: 9600
3- Set Password: ******** 9- Answer Ring: 0
4- Dial Back: OFF 10-Answer Lockout: 0 min
5-Dial Back Str: DT5551212
6- Location: Physical Location of This UPS
11- UPS Present: ON
12- Reset Call-UPS to Default Settings
?- Help
<ENTER> Display menu
<ESC> Return to Previous Menu