
UPS Stop/Start
User Guide APC BC300 Series 40kW 208/450/480V UPS 5
2.0 UPS Stop/Start
Only qualified electricians should start up or shut down APC BC300 Series UPS systems, and
instructions in the Installation Guide should be followed. The UPS must be completely shut
down before service or before the UPS is taken out of operation for more than 24 hours.
Although you cannot completely start or shut down the unit, you can switch the UPS into
stand-by mode and return it to normal operation by following the instructions below. (In stand-
by mode, the UPS does not provide output voltage.)
2.1 UPS Stop (for stand-by)
To put the unit into stand-by mode,
press the red control button inside the unit’s front door.
2.2 UPS Start (from stand-by)
To take the unit out of stand-by and switch it back to normal operation,
press the
green control button inside the unit’s front door.
AC voltage generated either from batteries or utility may be present at UPS output. Always
disconnect AC input supply source, switch off UPS, AND switch off DC.
Some UPS systems have a factory-set auto-start feature, which automatically switches on the
UPS whenever utility supply is switched on (AC line). See the “Parameter Settings” section in
this User Guide for instructions on how to de-activate this function.
Make sure the UPS operates in normal operation for at least 12 hours every three months to
recharge the batteries.