switched rack pdu
Link-RX/TX (10/100) LED
This LED indicates the network status.
Status LED
This LED indicates the network status of the PDU.
Condition Description
The device which connects the PDU to the network is off or not
operating correctly.
Flashing Green
The PDU is receiving data packets from the network at 10
Megabits per second (Mbps).
Flashing Orange
The PDU is receiving data packets from the network at 100
Megabits per second (Mbps).
Solid Green or
The Switched Rack PDU is receiving no network traffic.
Condition Description
Off The PDU has no power.
Solid Green The PDU has valid TCP/IP settings.
Flashing Green The PDU does not have valid TCP/IP settings.
Solid Orange
A hardware failure has been detected in the PDU. Contact APC
Worldwide Customer Support.
Flashing Orange The PDU is making BOOTP
1 If you do not use a BOOTP server, see the Switched Rack PDU Installation and Quick Start
Manual provided in PDF on the APC Switched Rack Power Distribution Unit Utility CD and in
printed format to configure the TCP/IP settings.
2 To use a BOOTP server, see the Management Card Addendum (.\doc\Addendum.pdf) on the
APC Switched Rack Power Distribution Unit Utility CD.