
Left and Right Front Speakers
Try to place the front speakers in the same plane as your TV (flush
with the screen), separated by 45° when viewed from the seating
position. They should be positioned at the same height as the
listeners’ ears when seated. 28-inch stands will put your speakers
at the correct height.
Center Speaker
A good position for the center speaker is right on top of your TV
(or just below, if your TV is mounted high). Try to place the center
speaker on the same plane, or slightly behind the plane formed
by the front left and right speakers.
Surround Speakers
There is a bit of controversy about where the surround speakers
should ideally be placed. Because of the precision that Digital
recording techniques give to moviemakers allowing them to place
sound effects at many different places, we believe that correctly
placed direct radiating surrounds produce the most accurate
surround sound field.
If possible, the surround speakers should be placed directly to
each side of the listeners, not behind them. Placing the speakers
a little above the listeners’ ears, or angled back slightly, can help
to minimize localization effects.
The Subwoofer
The human ear cannot localize the long wavelengths of bass
frequencies below about 100Hz. As long as your Aperion Audio
Subwoofer is set at the recommended cut-off of 80-85 Hz or
below, you will have a lot of flexibility as to where you place it.
Keep in mind that placing a subwoofer near a corner will make
it sound louder and can distort the bass response. If the distance
from the sub to the listener is significantly different than the front
and center speakers, try using the phase reverse switch to see
it improves the bass response.