Power Mac G4 Zip Drive -
7 Remove the four screws that mount the Zip drive to the carrier and slide
the drive out of the carrier.
Installing the Replacement Zip Drive
1 Slide the replacement Zip drive into the lower bay in the drive carrier.
Insert the screws from the old drive through the side holes in the carrier
and tighten to secure the drive to the carrier.
2 Partially insert the drive carrier into the computer. Leave room behind
the assembly so you can reach the connectors.
3 Connect the cables to the Zip drive and CD/DVD drive:
• Connect the middle connector on the power cord bundle to the Zip
• Connect the middle connector on the ribbon cable to the Zip drive.
• Connect the end of the power cord bundle to the CD/DVD drive.
• Connect the end of the ribbon cable to the CD/DVD drive.
4. Reattach the shielding tape (if present) to the top of the carrier.
Zip drive
Attach the middle connectors
on both the power cable and
the ribbon cable to the back
of the Zip drive.
Attach the power cable and
the ribbon cable to the back
of the CD/DVD drive.